Chequered Flag Driving School
Chequered Flag Driving School


A new examiner has started at DVS in June 2023. He will be now available to induct driving tests in Jersey. His name is Nial.


Update July 2023.


Remember to the first thing and last thing to do is your seatbelt in the car.


If sunny sunglasses are allowed on the driving test.


Music is allowed on the driving test but up to volume setting number 3 only and no higher. 


2nd Gear going on any downhill slope is fine just don't do any coasting. 


If it's a 30mph speed limit then do 30mph and if it's 40mph aim for 40mph but you can aim for 37 or 38mph.


Don't forget to either your theory/hazard test or practical test with your provisional so when you come to renew it the parish hall can see you are active.


Please let the me know if you want me to listen to the debrief after the driving test. After your test then please let the examiner know that you would like me to listen it too. Just say "Can my instructor listen?" I can be then wait around the car for the examiner to call me. Only applies if you fail the test. 


If you pass your test in Jesey you can't exchange your Jersey License for a Spanish one and Italy are going the same way.


DVS times are changing and to DVSA standards in a major upgrade.


Make sure A/C is switched on when the examiner is sitting in the car.


Take each part of the test as a mini test. Give each part of the test 100%

Eye contact when they are giving directions.

The examiner will always judge your test to the road and traffic conditions it all depends on the suituation. If your safe thats all the examiner wants. 


Crossing your arms is ok as long it's. not escessive. It's not a fault if you do it.


You have 3 attempts to read a number plate, so make sure your eyesight is in good order.


At reversing bays you be about 8 inches from the kerbs it's not a problem at all.

If you hit the kerb and ask to correct it that's fine, if you pull forward and go back around thats's fine and if you want to pull forward by a few feet/meters that's also fine too. It's up to you.

Just avoid forward/back movements too many times.

When going into the left box or right box you are allowed to pull foward to straighten up once you have gone back into the box.


Remember to drive defensively.


The examiners dont mind apparetly don't mind what gear you stop in as long you're in first gear to go.


Don't forget

1. To see how close you are driving to the vehicle in front.

2. Your position on the road. Use road markings

3. Your speed limit, not too fast.

4. Checking your mirrors fairly frequently.


S = Speed

L = Low

O = Observe

W = Warnings


Red means STOP in any situation. 

Amber Light means STOP unless by stopping so suddenly you could cause an accidentor or you're over the white line.

Green means GO in any situation.


Please be aware hill starts on driving tests could be done on any of these hills.

Either South Hill Part 1 or Part 2,

Westmount (Before Overdale Hospital),

James Road (Passed Merton)

Pier Road (Half Way Up),

Tower Road (At the Bottom).


Update November 2023

A New Examiner has started at DVS. He Has now started on the 6th November 2023.

Please note you might have Him for your Driving Test. His name is Steve.


Update January 2024

When doing your practical tests you now no longer need to bring your provisional and theory certificate, you can just bring your provisonal and that will be fine for your Drving Test.


Update February 2025

DVS have informed myself that the lines up at the Reversing Bays are due to be re-painted.

That will be brilliant news.























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